Garesse has competed up to 130 classes in Showjumping before her injury. She has achieved the studbook letters AB in Sweden. Three out of her nine foals are born in Sweden:2005 stallion No Worries ( by No Limit, KWPN), 49 points and a diploma as a showjumping horse. He was also third at the Breeders finals for 3 year old jumping horses and second at the Breeders finals for the four year old jumping horses, being the best SWB horse2007 filly Finesse (by Feliciano, SWB) 45 points as a foal. Now one of our broodmares.2009 filly Be Happy (By Hip Hop, SWB) 46 points as foal. Now waiting for hers second foal and then she will be come to training as a show jumping horse. Garesse was put down year 2012
Horses on Request from elite european mare families, offered for sale by Katri Wayrynen, Flyinge.